NEW!!! Puppy pictures
New litter, born 12-27-08
Shoo and Homer had a BEAUTIFUL litter of five puppies, born December 27, 2008. There are five puppies in the litter - 2 black/white females, 2 black/white males, and 1 red/white male.
Litter at age 2 weeks - girls have pink dots, boys have blue dots
Mai Tai winning his first points in the show ring at age 9 months, October, 2009, under respected breeder-judge Christine Salyers Anderson!!!
Japanese chin puppies are usually ready for their new homes at age 12 weeks
This lovely young bitch (being handled by breeder Kim Schoenhard of Taichin Japanese chins) is our newest addition. We are proud and pleased to present Taichin Bella Mia!
Mia and Madelyn competing in the puppy toy group
Red/white and lemon/white puppies are born almost completely white, their color comes a bit later
Mai Tai - red/white puppy at age 6 weeks. Notice how much darker his coloring has become. Mai Tai lives with his dam, Shoo, and their human friend Trish.
Mia with her new best friend (and junior handler) Madelyn
This is Shoo, the dam of the puppies
Head shot of Mai Tai winning at his first dog show